- ayurvedic massage oils
- kapha thailam oil
kapha thailam oil

kapha thailam oil
Kapha Oil
Detoxification Body Massage
Lymph Drainage Therapy
Hair Oil / Scalp Massage
Kapha Massage Oil offers a synergy of decongesting, astringent, diaphoretic and warming compounds that work transdermally to benefit every cell, organ and system via these energy channels.
Specifically, Kapha Massage Oil aids in the removal of accumulated toxins by binding to fat-based ama, having the power to interact with all 7 layers of the human body simultaneously, and mobilising these toxins for elimination.
Kapha Oil brings a focused action and stimulation to sites of accumulation or stagnation in the slower moving energies of the fluid and connective systems.
Properties are enhanced when combined with steam compresses, sauna or heated stones.
Ingredients: organic unrefined sesame oil (50%) organic sunflower oil (25%) and organic grapeseed oil (25%) triple infused with Ayurvedic herbs: Bilva, Brihat, Amalaki, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Tulsi, Hrivera, and Western herbs: Eucalyptus, Fern, Fir Needle, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Peppermint,
Store in cool dark location. Do not introduce water into the oil.
Possible pregnancy caution due to mint. Consult your healthcare provider.
We are an Ayurveda massage therapist owned company.
In fact, work with clients IS the inspiration for each and every product offered at Solavedi.
Each bottle of herbalised massage oil is skilllfully formulated without synthetic colors, toxic fragrances, sulfates, phthalates, or parabens, and, includes my exclusive ayurvedically extracted herbal extracts - instead of essential oils.
We support practicing bodyworkers and skin care therapists through product education and wholesale pricing.
Whether you are an individual or a business: Spa Owner, Massage Practitioner or Esthetician, we are here to help you learn about your own or your client’s Ayurvedic constitutional expressive personality so that you can resolve any ongoing concerns, as well as navigate topical body care remedy options for relief of joint, nerve and muscle discomfort.
1. Pre warm the oil, by placing bottle in basin filled with hot water for just a few minutes.
Apply warmed oil from head to toes in full body massage.
Circle the joints, and sweep up and down the long bones.
2. Put on some old loose clothes to keep warm, and do 15 minutes of gentle stretching, breathing exercises or meditation.
3. Take either a hot shower or bath.
4. Optional: Apply a few drops of nasal oil inside the nasal passageways after having rinsed with warm, salted water