solavedi organics

Ayurvedic Treatments

from $125.00

Ayurvedic Treatments

from $125.00

Ayurvedic Body Therapies

rejuvenation principles respecting individual constitutions and the changing rhythms of nature

now located in downtown Belfast
Ananda Yoga + Wellness Studio

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Ayurvedic Massage:
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Ayurvedic Body Therapies

rejuvenation principles respecting individual constitutions and the changing rhythms of nature

now located in downtown Belfast
Ananda Yoga + Wellness Studio

75 min on the table

Each Ayurvedic Bodywork session starts with pulse assessment and a brief medical astrology consult.

With your birth chart, we can determine your constitutional strengths and areas of stress, and look at current transits that may be impacting your health to best strategize your massage, herbal oils and adjuncts.

Your session will always be tailored to your constitution, the season, and your current state of vitality.

Abhyanga, therefore, varies from person to person, and from time to time.

It typically incorporates warmed herbal oils, added steam, hot compresses, kansa wands, dry brushing, silk gloves, salt + clay scrub, frictioning and massage stones chosen specifically to sequence your best detoxification and replenishing nourishment.

Guru (heavy) + Snigdha (unctuous)

polarity energy healing + flowing abhyanga massage, ubtan with clay and flower petals on the back, rose clay pack on the face, plus Shiro Abhyanga / Champissage and Marma Chikitsa.
Supportive of bringing stillness to the nervous system and mind, and stabilizing vata dosha to move in its normal downward direction.

  • This service is best recieved in the Fall and Winter months, but is appropriate year-round

  • This service is best for those with High Vata constitutions, and anyone in the midst of transition, experiencing anxiety, neurological or joint pain, or exhaustion


Virya: Sheeta (cooling) + Laghu (lightness)

deep tissue massage aimed at pacifying / clearing muscular and joint inflammation, ubtan with chickpea flour, rose clay pack on the face, plus Shiro Abhyanga / Champissage and Marma

  • This service is suggested for you if you are of Pitta predominance by constitution or aggravation (high stress levels, headache, neck + shoulder muscle tension, burnout)

  • This service is best recieved in the summer months

Ushna (warming) + Laghu (lightness)

warmed oil with circulatory and opening properties, a salt scrub, clay pack on the back and face, friction and fomentation with steam heat to induce the body to sweat, removing obstructions.

  • This service is suggested for you if you are of Kapha predominance by constitution or aggravation (respiratory and sinus congestion, lowered immune function, depression)

  • This service is best recieved in the late winter and early spring for rejuvenation


TOTAL TIME: 115 minutes
90 minutes full body massage with steam compresses
25 minutes Shirodhara + Champissage

- includes 24 ounces of Solavedi herbalised shirodhara oil
$145 - you provide your own 20 ounces of shirodhara oil

Shirodhara has been described as meditation lying down, and, the lighting of the 7th chakra.
There are numerous benefits derived from this supremely relaxing therapy, some of which include: reduced anxiety, better sleep, calm mind, improved complexion, reduction of headaches, and healing throughout all connected organ systems.

NOTE: You will leave with very oily hair. Please bring an old hat or scarf to cover your head in the colder months, as oil on the head is the same as having wet hair: cold.

Also, bring an old towel that you don’t mind if it gets oil on it, so that you can cover your car seat and head rest, especially if these are cloth.

Lastly: Wear old clothing that it will not matter if oil gets on them, especially the upper body clothing.
Dress snugly in the winter, because you will be oiled up and, when you go outside after being in a hot treatment, it could feel colder to you

About your practitioner

Carollanne Crichton, is dual licensed in Maine
LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist)
LE (licensed Esthetician)

Nationally Certified
NCBTMB Curriculum Developer
In practice since 1989

Massage Therapy
Ayurvedic Massage
Pancha Karma Therapies (Rejuvenation Bodywork)
Deep Tissue Therapy
Cranio Sacral Therapy

Licensed Esthetician
Herbal  / Botanical Cosmetology
Ayurvedic Skincare
Transdermal Formulist

Earth Medicine + Healing Stones
Healing Stone Massage I + II (DVD)
Stone Thermotherapy—Article
Ayurvedic Massage (DVD)
Massage Magazine—
Contributing Editor